Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Sabri Public School. By accessing our website, enrolling your child, or using our services, you agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions. These terms govern the responsibilities and rights of students, parents/guardians, staff, and the school. Please read them carefully.

1. General Admission

1.1 Admission to Sabri Public School is subject to the fulfillment of all eligibility criteria as outlined in our admission policy.
1.2 Parents/guardians must provide accurate information and valid documents during the admission process. Misrepresentation or fraudulent details will lead to cancellation of admission.
1.3 Admission is granted at the discretion of the school administration based on available seats and compliance with admission procedures.

2. Fees and Payments

2.1 Fees are charged on a term or annual basis, as specified in the fee structure.
2.2 Payment of fees must be completed by the due date mentioned on the fee invoice. Late fees may apply after the due date.
2.3 The school reserves the right to review and revise the fee structure as necessary. Fee changes will be communicated in advance to parents/guardians.
2.4 Non-payment of fees may result in the suspension of the student’s enrollment or withholding of academic results.

3. Code of Conduct

3.1 Students are expected to maintain discipline, respect school rules, and demonstrate responsible behavior at all times.
3.2 Any form of bullying, discrimination, harassment, or misconduct will not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion.
3.3 Parents are encouraged to support the school in enforcing the code of conduct and discipline.
3.4 Respect for teachers, staff, and fellow students is mandatory.

4. Attendance Policy

4.1 Regular attendance is essential for academic success. Students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of the academic days in a term.
4.2 Parents/guardians must notify the school of any planned absences, and provide valid reasons for unexpected absences.
4.3 Prolonged absenteeism without valid justification may result in consequences such as grade repetition or discontinuation of the student’s enrollment.

5. Health and Safety

5.1 Sabri Public School is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students and staff.
5.2 Parents are required to provide up-to-date medical records, including information about any allergies, conditions, or special requirements the student may have.
5.3 The school will not administer any medication unless prescribed by a doctor and accompanied by written instructions from parents.
5.4 In case of emergencies, the school will take immediate action and inform the parents/guardians as soon as possible.

6. Use of Technology and Devices

6.1 Students may only use school-provided technology or personal devices as per the school’s acceptable use policy.
6.2 The school reserves the right to monitor the use of school devices and internet access to ensure compliance with educational purposes.
6.3 Misuse of technology, including accessing inappropriate content, cyberbullying, or engaging in unauthorized activities, may result in disciplinary measures.

7. Academic Assessment and Reporting

7.1 Students will be assessed regularly through tests, assignments, and examinations. The school will issue progress reports based on performance.
7.2 Parents are required to attend scheduled parent-teacher meetings to discuss their child’s progress.
7.3 Any concerns regarding academic performance should be communicated to the relevant staff promptly.

8. School Property

8.1 Students must respect school property and are responsible for any damage caused by intentional or reckless behavior.
8.2 Parents/guardians will be liable for the cost of repair or replacement of damaged school property.
8.3 Unauthorized use or removal of school property will result in disciplinary action.

9. Extra-Curricular Activities

9.1 Participation in extra-curricular activities, sports, and events is encouraged to promote holistic development.
9.2 Parents/guardians must provide consent for their child’s participation in certain activities, especially off-campus events or excursions.
9.3 The school will not be liable for any injury sustained during such activities, though adequate precautions will be taken to ensure safety.

10. Privacy and Data Protection

10.1 The school respects the privacy of students and parents and complies with applicable data protection regulations.
10.2 Any personal information collected during admission or throughout the student’s tenure will be used solely for educational and administrative purposes.
10.3 The school will not share personal information with third parties without consent unless required by law.

11. Amendments to the Terms

11.1 Sabri Public School reserves the right to revise these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Parents/guardians will be notified of any significant changes via email or school notices.
11.2 Continued enrollment in the school constitutes acceptance of any amended terms.

12. Liability

12.1 While Sabri Public School takes reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of students, the school is not responsible for any unforeseen accidents or injuries that occur on school premises or during school-related activities.
12.2 The school shall not be liable for any loss or damage to personal belongings brought to school by students.