1- Instill a deep love of lifetime learning by teaching essential knowledge and broad skills through a rigorous, purposefully selective, and cognitively appropriate academic and religious curriculum with emphasis on teaching from the Qur’an and Sunnah along with a strong knowledge base in English Language, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

2- Inspire children by connecting with their cultures, languages and fostering their natural curiosity, creativity, and maximum potential by knowing and considering each child’s skill level, gifts, interests, challenges, and background.

3- Integrate intellectual moral and character development by going beyond explicit instructions, modelling exemplary behaviours, ethics and individually mentoring students to achieve social and occupational success in HERE and HEREAFTER.

4- Teach the students to be proud Indian citizens and participate positively in building a prosperous, harmonious, and safe society in India.

5- Teach our children in our school to respect and understand the different backgrounds and religions of Indian’s multi-cultural society.