Children need space to spread their wings. The designers and planners of SPS have kept that in mind throughout. Large airy classrooms, varied activity zones, ample area for sports are linked by wide corridors and courtyards. Everyday, your child can look forward to the upcoming well-equipped resource centres like well-stocked library, audio-visual room, multi-media centre and laboratories for building skills in computers, maths, science, languages, etc.
This, being an age of information, technology and computers, becomes the responsibility of the school to make it accessible for its students. Keeping this as a yardstick, we have set up a computer lab to impart computer education to all its students. The Computer lab is well-equipped with Projector, LCD TV, and latest educational CDs for effective, innovative and interesting teaching.

“Books are our best friends”. The school has well stocked library. It has a collection of relevant and informative books.

Hi- tech computerized wi-fi enabled classrooms with projector and screen for communicative learning.

Science lab equipment allows students to interact directly with the data gathered. They get a first-hand learning experience by performing various experiments on their own. Students are made to use the models and understand different scientific theories and concepts.

School transport is available from all parts of the city. The school however is not responsible for any mishap, though adequate care is taken for the safety and security of the children. A child will not be sent home with a stranger, relative or a new servant unless written instructions of the parents/ guardians are there with attested signature of the escort.

Child’s safety is our priority. Keeping with the current scenario, the school has taken strict measures for students’ safety in the form of CCTV surveillance in all corners of the school, GPS van tracking system through mobile app, and teachers’ presence in each transport vehicle to give each child a sense of security and a healthy environment to grow. The school also Takes regular attendance over the app and sends daily attendance report to the parents via SMS.
Premises Safety:
CCTV Surveillance in classes, corridors and ground.
Safe Transportation:
1. Own fleet of vans/ buses
2. Mobile transport app for live tracking