With immense pleasure, I welcome you aboard our endeavour towards success. I hope that this Website will convey our sense of purpose, our commitment to excellence and our devotion to the development of each student.

It is our aim to provide positively catalytic impulse to every student to stretch his inherent learning competencies through a self-discovery process.

Since its inception in 2003, the school has grown manyfold. The students are equipped with life-skills to face the real world—be it planning, organising, decision-making, questioning, reasoning, analyzing, team-work, communicating effectively or dealing with challenges confidently

We at SPS inspire students to be successful in learning and life. As opportunities and challenges across the cultural, economic, environmental and technological spectrums present themselves,SPS is committed to engage students to be leaders, collaborators, innovators, explorers and thinkers of tomorrow.

I, therefore, welcome you to SPS to begin this important admission process for your child. I assure you that he/she will achieve academic excellence along with Islamic tarbiyat, and along with you, we will seek to inspire, guide and lead them to success.

With Warm Regards
Dr. M. H. Khan
Director, SPS